Finding the right mentor can make or break a marketer’s journey to profits. There are so many unknown variables in the market that trying to troubleshoot problems without an expert opinion is like throwing a dart in the dark. You might hit the mark, but you don’t know if it was chancery or skill. A mentor can give the right guidance so you’ll hit your target on purpose.
I realized the importance of finding a mentor early on. I’ve bounced from one guru to another, trying to find the right one. One feature I was looking for was accessibility. Many gurus make themselves available only for specific events and weekends. I wanted a mentor that I could talk to at least once a month. I didn’t need daily access to be sure, but I knew that having someone I could ask questions to periodically would fit the bill for me.
I discovered Omar and Melinda Martin when I picked up their flagship product My Unfair Advantage. It was exactly what I was looking for. It not only had the training to get me started in the right direction, but it also features WEEKLY coaching. Omar and Melinda hold a webinar every Thursday night for MUA members. They discuss all sorts of Internet Marketing topics, and more importantly, they address member’s questions. Plus, they record the sessions so you can find an episode you missed. Win!
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